- Place both hands on your thighs.
- Press your thumb at the base of the little finger (the finger representing the water element).
- Inhale slowly and encircle the thumb with your other four fingers.
- Chant the long sound of “Om” seven times, focusing on hearing the sound resonate in your right ear.
- Finally, slowly exhale while contracting your abdominal muscles and apply the Uddiyana Bandha (abdominal lock).
- Now, release your hands and imagine all your worries, pain, fears, and sorrows leaving your body.
- This practice should be done at least seven times, and can be repeated up to 49 times.
- Relieves Depression:
- This mudra helps in reducing depression.
- Dispels Sadness:
- It lifts your mood and removes feelings of sadness.
- Protects from Misfortune:
- Helps shield against negative events and brings positivity.
- Boosts Energy and Enthusiasm:
- It generates new energy and excitement within you.
- Enhances Mental Strength and Confidence:
- It strengthens your brain and enhances mental abilities, boosting your self-confidence.
Since 80% of our body is water, and 80-90% of our blood is water, the brain requires 25% of the body’s blood. A slight deficiency in blood or water in the body can lead to mental fatigue and sadness, triggering depression. The water element is connected to our creative power through the Swadhisthana Chakra.
- By pressing the thumb at the base of the water element finger, the water element is replenished, which directly affects the brain positively.
- Additionally, while inhaling and chanting the long “Om” sound, the vibrations energize the brain. The vibrations travel from the navel to the brain, awakening dormant brain cells. This mudra is excellent for relieving mental illnesses.
In today’s world, many people are surrounded by stress, leading to various illnesses. By practicing the Soham Mudra, you can make your mind joyful and vibrant.
After performing this mudra, stretching your arms and legs will enhance the benefits. Stretching is known to combat lethargy effectively.
Additional Tips:
- People engaged in mental work should drink a glass of water every hour.
- Bathing, swimming in a river, sea, or pool, or soaking your feet in warm salted water at night relieves fatigue, stress, and depression.